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Every morning 165,00 people use the ..

7-Second Metabolism Reboot That Burns 54lbs of Fat 

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The Oriental Method For Rapid Weight Loss

I’m proud to introduce you to IKIGAI.

The world’s first 100% safe, plant-based solution that targets the recently discovered proven root cause of your weight gain, belly fat and metabolic slowdown.

IKIGAI is the only product ever to combine 28 rare nutrients in a precise formulation, clinically proven to reignite idling metabolisms, burn fat and reduce stress.

Even if you’re sleeping, eating or relaxing on the couch, you’ll still be melting away fat from your problem areas, while enjoying an all day energy boost.
Nothing like IKIGAI has ever come out of the weight loss industry
Thousands of everyday women and men have this groundbreaking natural solution to thank for rediscovering their body's fat burning potential, losing weight, saving their health and taking back control of their lives.

You too possess the same fat burning potential, waiting to be unleashed.

Unlike mass produced diet pills that contain toxins, stimulants and all the junk under the sun.
 And you too will burn off stubborn fat, while going about your 
normal day
  you'll be in control of your appetite
  enjoying an all-day energy boost.
  You'll become healthier by the day
  while your hair grows more lustrous, your skin more radiant.

 Science/Ground breaking weight loss discovery 

Latest updates: Japanese scientists compare it to having liposuction, hailing discovery as the most significant weight loss breakthrough ever.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicingelit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

Losing weight with IKIGAI is as simple as taking one, easy to swallow capsule a day. (with no dieting or exercise)
IKIGAI is 100% plant-based, so it’s not tolerance or habit forming.

And it wont leave you jittery or on edge,

Because IKIGAI controls excess cortisol, IKIGAI is a natural stress reducer allowing you to take life and its problems in your stride.

Just take IKIGAI once a day with a meal and your body will take over.

It works even while you are sleeping, rebalancing your hormones, reigniting your metabolism, regenerating your body at a cellular level.

You’ll wake up a leaner, healthier and more energized version of yourself each day.

  Made in the USA
  Made in a GMP Certified Facility
  FDA Approved
  100% Plant-based
  Vegetarian, Non-GMO, Soy, Gluten & Dairy Free
  No Artificial Colours, Fillers or Junk
  Non-Habit Forming
  3rd Party Lab Tested for Purity
Now Today, You Can Get a 30 Day Supply of IKIGAI For Just  $197 


That’s the lowest price you’ll ever see.

But before you order, users with significant weight loss, tell us that taking IKIGAI for at least 90-180 days will give you the best results.

Clinical studies show, the longer you take IKIGAI, the more fat you'll burn by allowing your metabolism more time to reprogram.

Enabling you to reach your ideal weight, and just as importantly, stay there.   

The science is clear. The longer you take IKIGAI, the more fat you'll burn ⚚
Enabling you to reach your ideal weight, and just as importantly, stay there.   

Which is why today you are seeing this incredible opportunity to secure a 180 day or 90 day supply of IKIGAI at massive one-time savings.

Savings on top of already insanely discounted pricing!

Order a 6 or 3-Months Supply & You'll. Get Three Exclusive Bonus Gifts, Value $199 ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Bonus 2 ($39.97 value)


 ‘A-List Weight Loss Blueprint’ 

Inside these 2 books you’ll get inside secrets from your favorite Hollywood A-listers as they get into shape in next to no time.

Bonus 3 ($19.97 value)


‘101 Flat Belly Smoothies’

My best selling book with 101 delicious metabolism boosting smoothie recipes to support healthy weight loss.

Bonus 1 ($139.97 value)


‘Listen to lose weight’ MP3 Course

30 modules of healing, hypnosis, meditation and sound therapy.
Relieve stress, boost confidence and clear negative energy blockages to help you with cravings and achieving your weight loss goals.
I want you to have everything you need to be successful.

And if you order the 6 bottle money-savings package and we’ll also ship your IKIGAI bottles and the 3 bonus gifts out to you completely FREE  

Every 6-Bottle Order 
Gets FREE Shipping!

*9 out of 10 order the 6-bottles
(Our recommended option)
We're only able to guarantee this special low pricing today, or until our very limited stock runs out
The super-rare nutrients in IKIGAI are sourced globally and supply chains are stretched, meaning we’re likely to pass on substantial price increases in our next batch.

Or worse still, we could run out of stock completely. 

To be honest, we didn’t anticipate the incredible demand. More reasons why picking up the 6-bottle package is the smartest option to do right now.

If you see this money-saving deal, it means we currently still have stock, so you'd be smart to take advantage and stock up while you still can.

You will never buy IKIGAI cheaper than today.
And you can't get IKIGAI on any other website, or in any store.

Not Amazon, not Walgreens, not GNC or ebay.

We're only able to offer these money saving prices due to partnering directly with our US based lab, cutting out the middleman to pass on the savings on to you. 

Making the prices you see today, the lowest they will ever be, with the lab shipping your order direct to your door.

Also, I want you to know this is a one-time payment with no hidden charges, no autoship & no subscriptions. 
I hate that stuff as much as you do.

While we still have stock, you'll see your 3 money saving packages below.

Simply select your preferred package. 

We recommend ordering 6-bottles as you'll be stocked up for 6 months, protected against price rises and stock running out or both.

Meaning there will be no interruption to your weight loss progress.

After selecting your package, you'll be taken to our 256 Bit Secure order Page where you will confirm your order. 

Instantly, your order is processed and on its way to you.

And because I'm so confident in the ability of IKIGAI to deliver the most profound life-changing results than anything you tried before. 

I’m not just promising results, I'm going to completely guarantee them.

IKIGAI 60-Day, 100% 
Money Back Guarantee

IKIGAI is protected by our rock-solid 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. If you are not completely shocked how quickly your deepest fat reserves melt away. If your friends and family are not amazed and jealous of your new slender figure. If your hair doesn’t become more abundant, or your skin glow more radiantly. If you don’t rediscover boundless energy again to do the things you want, but were always too tired. Then, at any time in the next 60-days, contact our 'easy to get hold of' support team and we will return every penny of your investment. No questions asked.

Our 60 day, no questions asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee makes test driving IKIGAI a no-brainer, and completely risk-free for you.


Claim your discounted IKIGAI 
(While Stocks Last)

*Discounted prices apply today only

'Powered by Nature,
Backed by Science'

IKIGAI's groundbreaking formula is a nutritional powerhouse of 28 botanicals, adaptogens and superfoods, blended to precise proportions, proven to ignite metabolisms to release fat-burning & weight loss potential you didn't know you had. Here are just 9 of them
  Controls cortisol levels to trigger a fat burning response
  Burns adipose tissue (belly fat)
  Supports healthy brain function, memory & focus. 
  Controls cortisol levels to burn fat. Targets abdominal fat.
  Controls appetite and crushes hunger cravings
  Supports healthy sleep cycles
  Lowers cortisol levels for weight loss 
  Promotes a state of relaxation
  Supports healthy sleep cycles
  Balances cortisol levels to support weight loss 
  Provides a healthy anti-inflammatory response
  Relieves feelings of stress
 Supports a positive mood
  Provides anti-depressant support
  Eases menopause symptoms
  Supports healthy sleep cycles
  Balances hormones to reduce stress and anxiety
  Supports enhanced mood
  Lowers cholesterol levels for weight loss 
  Supports peak energy levels
  Neuroprotective to nurture and maintain brain cells
  When combined with Lemon Balm support regular sleep patterns
  Decreases cortisol response to balance mood 
  Supports healthy sleep cycles for weight loss 
  Lowers cortisol levels to support weight loss
  Reduces stress, enhances mood 

*Plus 19 more 100% natural, safe, proven ingredients in every capsule of IKIGAI which combine powerfully to restore metabolisms to burn fat and support safe, permanent weight loss.

Real IKIGAI Users, 
Real Success Stories

Some of the Chatter Online ..


118,000 Verified Reviews


Claim your discounted IKIGAI 
(While Stocks Last)

*Discounted prices apply today only

IKIGAI 60-Day, 100% 
Money Back Guarantee

IKIGAI is protected by our rock-solid 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. If you are not completely shocked how quickly your deepest fat reserves melt away. If your friends and family are not amazed and jealous of your new slender figure. Then, any time in the next 60-days, contact our 'easy to get hold of' support team and we will return every penny of your investment. NO QUESTIONS ASKED

The Oriental Method
For Rapid Weight Loss

I’m proud to introduce you to IKIGAI.

The world’s first 100% safe, plant-based solution that targets the recently discovered proven root cause of your weight gain, belly fat and metabolic slowdown - ( abc1233)

IKIGAI is the only product ever to combine 28 rare nutrients in a precise formulation, clinically proven to reignite idling metabolisms, burn fat and reduce stress.

Even if you’re sleeping, eating or relaxing on the couch, you’ll still be melting away fat from your problem areas, while enjoying an all day energy boost.

Nothing like IKIGAI has ever come out of the 
weight loss industry.

Thousands of everyday women and men have this groundbreaking natural solution to thank for rediscovering their body's fat burning potential, losing weight, saving their health and taking back control of their lives.

You too possess the same fat burning potential, waiting to be unleashed.

Unlike mass produced diet pills that contain toxins, stimulants and all the junk under the sun.
 And you too will burn off stubborn fat, while going about 
your normal day.
  You'll be in control of your appetite
  enjoying all-day energy.
  You'll become healthier by the day
  while your hair grows more lustrous, your skin more radiant.

Losing weight with IKIGAI is as simple as taking one, easy to swallow capsule a day. (and no dieting or exercise)

IKIGAI is 100% plant-based, so it’s not tolerance or habit forming.

And it wont leave you jittery or on edge,

Because IKIGAI controls excess cortisol, IKIGAI is a natural stress reducer allowing you to take life and its problems in your stride.

Just take IKIGAI once a day with a meal and your body will take over.

It works even while you are sleeping, rebalancing your hormones, reigniting your metabolism, regenerating your body at a cellular level.

You’ll wake up a leaner, healthier and more energized version of yourself each day.

 IKIGAI  is ..

  Made in the USA

  Made in a GMP Certified Facility

  FDA Approved

  100% Plant-based

  Vegetarian, Non-GMO, Soy, Gluten & Dairy Free

  No Artificial Colours, Fillers or  Other Junk

  Non-Habit Forming

  3rd Party Lab Tested for Purity

Today You Can Get a 30 Day Supply of IKIGAI 
For a Simple, One-Time Fee of Only
$197  $69 Per Bottle

That’s the lowest price you’ll ever see.

But before you order, users with significant weight loss, tell us that taking IKIGAI for at least 90-180 days will give you the best results.
 The science is clear. The longer you take IKIGAI , the more fat you'll burn ⚚
Clinical studies show, the longer you take IKIGAI, the more fat you'll burn by allowing your metabolism more time to reprogram.

Enabling you to reach your ideal weight, and just as importantly, stay there.   
Which is why today you are seeing this incredible opportunity to secure a 180 day or 90 day supply of IKIGAI at massive one-time savings.

Savings on top of already insanely discounted pricing!

Order a 6 or 3 months supply and you’ll get 3 bonus gifts (Value $199) 
Absolutely FREE!

Bonus 1 ($39.97 value)


‘A-List Weight Loss Blueprint’ 

Inside these 2 books you’ll get inside secrets from your favorite Hollywood A-listers as they get into shape in next to no time.

Bonus 1 ($139.97 value)


‘Listen to lose weight’ MP3 course

30 modules of healing, hypnosis, meditation and sound therapy.
Relieve stress, boost confidence and clear negative energy blockages to help you with cravings and achieving your weight loss goals.

Bonus 1 ($19.97 value)


‘101 Flat Belly smoothies’

My best selling book with 101 delicious metabolism boosting smoothie recipes to support healthy weight loss.

6-Bottle Orders Now Get FREE Shipping!

90% order 6 bottles (also, our recommendation to you) 

We are only able to guarantee this special low pricing today, or until our very limited stock runs out

The super-rare nutrients in IKIGAI are sourced globally and supply chains are stretched, meaning we’re likely to pass on substantial price increases in our next batch.

Or worse still, we could run out of stock completely. 

To be honest, we didn’t anticipate the incredible demand. More reasons why picking up the 6-bottle package is the smartest option to do right now.

If you see this money-saving deal, it means we currently still have stock
so you'd be smart to take advantage and stock up while you still can.

You will never buy IKIGAI cheaper than today.

And you can't get IKIGAI on any other website, or in any store.
Not Amazon, not Walgreens, not GNC or ebay.

We're only able to offer these money saving prices due to partnering directly with our US based lab, cutting out the middleman to pass on the savings on to you. 

Making the prices you see today, the lowest they will ever be, with the lab shipping your order direct to your door.

Also, I want you to know this is a one-time payment with no hidden charges, no autoship & no subscriptions. 

I hate that stuff as much as you do.

While we still have stock, you'll see your 3 money saving packages below.

Simply select your preferred package. 

We recommend ordering 6-bottles as you'll be stocked up for 6 months, protected against price rises and stock running out or both.

Meaning there will be no interruption to your weight loss progress.

After selecting your package, you'll be taken to our 256 Bit Secure order Page where you will confirm your order. 

Instantly, your order is processed and on its way to you.

IKIGAI WEIGHT LOSS is 100% natural, vegan, non-GMO, gluten and dairy free.

IKIGAI contains nothing artificial, no fillers, colours, stimulants or any junk. IKIGAI has no side effects and is non-habit forming.

Every capsule of IKIGAI is FDA approved and made in our GMP Certified (Good manufacturing Practice) to the most sterile and highest standards.

What's more, every batch of IKIGAI undergoes strict 3rd party testing to ensure every capsule meets our industry-leading benchmark for quality, purity and potency.

IKIGAI 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee

Your order today is protected by our rock-solid 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE.  If you are not completely shocked how quickly your deepest fat reserves melt away. If your friends and family are not amazed and jealous of your new slender figure. If your hair doesn’t become more abundant, or your skin glow more radiantly. If you don’t rediscover boundless energy again to do the things you want, but were always too tired. Then, at any time in the next 60-days, contact our 'easy to get hold of' support team and we will return every penny of your investment. No questions asked.

Our 60 day, no questions asked, 
100% Money Back Guarantee 
makes test driving IKIGAI a no-brainer 
and completely risk-free for you.


Claim your discounted IKIGAI (While Stocks Last)


*Discounted Pricing Applies Today Only

Powered by Nature, Backed by Science

IKIGAI's groundbreaking formula is a nutritional powerhouse of 28 botanicals, adaptogens and superfoods, blended to precise proportions, proven to ignite metabolisms to release fat-burning & weight loss potential you didn't know you had.  Here are just 9 of them

  Controls cortisol levels to trigger a fat burning response
  Burns adipose tissue (belly fat)
  Supports healthy brain function, memory & focus. 
  Supports peak energy levels
  Controls cortisol levels to burn fat. Targets abdominal fat.
  Controls appetite and crushes hunger cravings
  Supports healthy sleep cycles

  Lowers cholesterol levels for weight loss 
  Promotes a state of relaxation
  Supports healthy sleep cycles
  Balances cortisol levels to support weight loss 
  Provides a healthy anti-inflammatory response
  Relieves feelings of stress
 Supports a positive mood
  Provides anti-depressant support
  Eases menopausal syptoms
  Supports healthy sleep cycles
  Balances hormones to reduce stress and anxiety
  Supports enhanced mood
  Lowers cholesterol levels for weight loss 
  Supports peak energy levels
  Neuroprotective to nurture and maintain brain cells
  When combined with Lemon Balm support regular sleep patterns
  Decreases cortisol response to balance mood 
  Supports healthy sleep cycles for weight loss 
  Lowers cortisol levels to support weight loss
  Reduces stress, enhances mood 
*Plus 19 more 100% natural, safe, proven ingredients in every capsule of IKIGAI which combine powerfully to restore metabolisms to burn fat and support safe, permanent weight loss.

Real IKIGAI Users, Real Life Changing Results


118,000+ Verified Reviews


Claim your discounted IKIGAI (While Stocks Last)


*Discounted Pricing Applies Today Only

IKIGAI 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee

Your order today is protected by our rock-solid 60-DAY, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. If you are not completely shocked how quickly your deepest fat reserves melt away. If your friends and family are not amazed and jealous of your new slender figure. If your hair doesn’t become more abundant, or your skin glow more radiantly. If you don’t rediscover boundless energy again to do the things you want, but were always too tired. Then, at any time in the next 60-days, contact our 'easy to get hold of' support team and we will return every penny of your investment. No questions asked.

IKIGAI Weight Loss FAQ's

Is IKIGAI right for me?

Let me ask you this - do you have fat stores right now? Has diet and exercise always done nothing to help? If the answers to those are yes! IKIGAI is right for you. Thousands of women and men have taken back control of their lives by losing weight and melting off stubborn fat just by using IKIGAI.

Is IKIGAI safe?

YES, absolutely. Thousands of women and men have already taken IKIGAI with no adverse effects. IKIGAI is 100% natural, plant-based, non-GMO, soy, dairy and gluten free. It is also manufactured here in the US, in a FDA approved and GMP certified facility to strict laboratory standards. Additional third party inspections and strict quality standards mean that your order is safe. However, if you have a pre-existing condition, it would be wise to consult with your doctor first.

How many bottles should I order?

Many of our success stories tell us that best results are seen after 3 to 6 months. That gives the formula more time for your body to absorb the nutrients and start burning your fat reserves. 3 and 6 bottle packages of IKIGAI both come with exclusive bonuses created to support your weight loss goals. Valued at $199, these bonuses are absolutely free with your order today. The smartest decision you can make though is to get the extra heavily discounted 6-bottle package (while it's available), as it also comes with FREE shipping.

How do I take IKIGAI?

Simply take one IKIGAI capsule with a meal. Nothing more to do! The proven synergy of rare, plant-based nutrients get to work instantly dissolving your fat stores, even as you sleep.

How long does it take to get my order?

We process it the same business day you place it. If you're a US or Canadian customer, expect your order in only 3-5 business days. International orders will normally take a little longer. All customers (domestic and international) receive full tracking details sent to the email address they use to order.

Can I get IKIGAI elsewhere?

No. IKIGAI is only available through this page - IKIGAI's official website. It's not available from GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, Amazon, or any other outlet, website or store. 

This is a one-time payment, right?

Yes! Your order today is a one-time payment with no hidden charges, no rebills and no autoship. What you pay today is final. 

What if IKIGAI doesn't help me?

IKIGAI is a breakthrough weight loss formula. We're so confident that it will ultimately deliver the results you want, we back up our promise with a 60 day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your investment, simply return the bottles for a full, no questions asked, refund.

I want to order. What happens now?

Simply click on one of the packages below and enter your order details on our encrypted secure checkout page. When you're done, your order will be processed instantly and shipped out to you. Shipping is FREE when you order the 6-bottle package, and you'll receive the 3 free bonuses also.

More IKIGAI Users, More Life Changing Results


118,000+ Verified Reviews


Claim your discounted IKIGAI (While Stocks Last)


*Discounted Pricing Applies Today Only

Stock Level

Research From Prestigious Universities ..

Trusted Medical Publications ..

References ..

1. The medical risks of obesity

2. Stress-induced cortisol response and fat distribution in women

3. Effects of Chronic Social Stress on Obesity

4. Long-term stress linked to higher levels of obesity

5. cortisol.html Cortisol Connection: Tips on Managing Stress and Weight

6. The Health effects of Overweight & Obesity

7. Mechanism linking diabetes mellitus and obesity

8. Interactions between sleep, stress, and metabolism: From physiological to pathological conditions

9. Exercise and circulating cortisol levels: the intensity threshold effect

10. 5 ways restricting calories can be harmful

11. Reducing calorie intake may not help you lose weight

12. Obesity is a common, serious, and costly disease

13. - Obesity Update 2017

14. Stress and Obesity: Are there more susceptible individuals?

15. Sleep duration and 5-year abdominal fat accumulation in a minor cohort: The IRAS family study
16. Effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system and the molecular mechanisms associated with their stress protective acticity

17. Rhodiola Rosea: a herb with ant-stress, anti-aging and immunostimulating properties for cancer chemoprevention

18. Effect of Magnolia officinalis and phellodendron amurense on cortisol and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects

19. A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults.

20. Ashwagandha Dosage: How much should you take per day?

21. A Prospective, Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Safety and Efficacy of a High-Concentration Full-Spectrum Extract of Ashwagandha Root in Reducing Stress and Anxiety in Adults

22. Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with a bright future

23. Anti-Stress effects of Lemon Balm containing foods.

24. An Acute, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Cross-Over Study of 320 Mg and 640 Mg Doses of Bacopa Monnieri (CDRI 08) on Multitasking Stress Reactivity and Mood

25. Bacopa Monniera, a Reputed Nootropic Plant: An Overview

26. American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora L): a study of its effects on mood in healthy volunteers

27. Stressed in America

28. Stress in the time of Covid-19

† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products. 
 © 2022. IKIGAI - All Rights Reserved.


Is IKIGAI right for me?

Let me ask you this - do you have fat stores right now? Has diet and exercise always done nothing to help? If the answers to those are yes! IKIGAI is right for you. Thousands of women and men have taken back control of their lives by losing weight and melting off stubborn fat just by using IKIGAI.

Is IKIGAI safe?

YES, absolutely. Thousands of women and men have already taken IKIGAI with no adverse effects. IKIGAI is 100% natural, plant-based, non-GMO, soy, dairy and gluten free. It is also manufactured here in the US, in a FDA approved and GMP certified facility to strict laboratory standards. Additional third party inspections and strict quality standards mean that your order is safe. However, if you have a pre-existing condition, it would be wise to consult with your doctor first.

How many bottles should I order?

Many of our success stories tell us that best results are seen after 3 to 6 months. That gives the formula more time for your body to absorb the nutrients and start burning your fat reserves. 3 and 6 bottle packages of IKIGAI both come with exclusive bonuses created to support your weight loss goals. Valued at $199, these bonuses are absolutely free with your order today. The smartest decision you can make though is to get the extra heavily discounted 6-bottle package (while it's available), as it also comes with FREE shipping.

How do I take IKIGAI?

Simply take one IKIGAI capsule with a meal. Nothing more to do! The proven synergy of rare, plant-based nutrients get to work instantly dissolving your fat stores, even as you sleep.

How long does it take to get my IKIGAI order?

We process it the same business day you place it. If you're a US or Canadian customer, expect your order in only 3-5 business days. International orders will understandably take a little longer. All customers (domestic and international) receive full tracking details sent to the email address they use to order.

Can I get IKIGAI elsewhere or online?

No. IKIGAI is only available through this page - IKIGAI's official website. It's not available from GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, Amazon, or any other outlet, website or store. 

This is a one-time payment, right?

Yes! Your order today is a one-time payment with no hidden charges, no rebills and no autoship. What you pay today is final. 

What if IKIGAI doesn’t help me?

IKIGAI is a breakthrough weight loss formula. We're so confident that it will ultimately deliver the results you want, we back up our promise with a 60 day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your investment, simply return the bottles for a full, no questions asked, refund.

I want to order. What now?

Simply click on one of the packages below and enter your order details on our encrypted secure checkout page. When you're done, your order will be processed instantly and shipped out to you. Shipping is FREE when you order the 6-bottle package, and you'll receive the 3 free bonuses also.

More  IKIGAI Users, 
More Success Stories


118,000 Verified Reviews

Ready For the Body You Deserve?

Claim your discounted IKIGAI 
(While Stocks Last)

*Discounted prices apply today only

Supported by Research From Prestigious Universities ..

& Trusted Publications

Scientific References

1. The medical risks of obesity

2. Stress-induced cortisol response and fat distribution in women

3. Effects of Chronic Social Stress on Obesity

4. Long-term stress linked to higher levels of obesity

5. cortisol.html Cortisol Connection: Tips on Managing Stress and Weight

6. The Health effects of Overweight & Obesity

7. Mechanism linking diabetes mellitus and obesity

8. Interactions between sleep, stress, and metabolism: From physiological to pathological conditions

9. Exercise and circulating cortisol levels: the intensity threshold effect

10. 5 ways restricting calories can be harmful

11. Reducing calorie intake may not help you lose weight

12. Obesity is a common, serious, and costly disease

13. - Obesity Update 2017

14. Stress and Obesity: Are there more susceptible individuals?

15. Sleep duration and 5-year abdominal fat accumulation in a minor cohort: The IRAS family study

16. Effects of adaptogens on the central nervous system and the molecular mechanisms associated with their stress protective acticity

17. Rhodiola Rosea: a herb with ant-stress, anti-aging and immunostimulating properties for cancer chemoprevention

18. Effect of Magnolia officinalis and phellodendron amurense on cortisol and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects

19. A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults.

20. Ashwagandha Dosage: How much should you take per day?

21. A Prospective, Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Safety and Efficacy of a High-Concentration Full-Spectrum Extract of Ashwagandha Root in Reducing Stress and Anxiety in Adults

22. Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with a bright future

23. Anti-Stress effects of Lemon Balm containing foods.

24. An Acute, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Cross-Over Study of 320 Mg and 640 Mg Doses of Bacopa Monnieri (CDRI 08) on Multitasking Stress Reactivity and Mood

25. Bacopa Monniera, a Reputed Nootropic Plant: An Overview

26. American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora L): a study of its effects on mood in healthy volunteers

27. Stressed in America

28. Stress in the time of Covid-19

† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products. 
© 2022. IKIGAI - All Rights Reserved.
Order support: Digistore24
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